ZmartAd: $37.5k in new MRR in 3 months

Lead generation ads for local businesses

ZmartAd: $37.5k in new MRR in 3 months

Lead generation ads for local businesses

ZmartAd: $37.5k in new MRR in 3 months

Lead generation ads for local businesses

ZmartAd: $37.5k in new MRR in 3 months

Lead generation ads for local businesses

ZmartAd: $37.5k in new MRR in 3 months

Lead generation ads for local businesses

ZmartAd: $37.5k in new MRR in 3 months

Lead generation ads for local businesses

Nailed down their ICP

They previously worked with all local businesses so they had experience in everything from Restaurants, Gyms, Med spas to roofing and solar. They tried to help everyone which is a big mistake. If you are helping everyone it should still look like you only are helping their specific persona at least. What we did was to pick the industries they had the biggest experience and best case studies and double down on those. 

The best industries were roofing and home remodeling. We tried both of these but just as expected home remodeling performed better so we doubled down on that. So we made everything around home remodeling so we were seen as an expert in that field. 

Improved their offer and increased their pricing

We framed the offer from the following sentence: ”I can help (specific persona) achieve (specific result) within (specific time frame), (specific effort), or (specific guarantee)."

By just framing the service and offer in a different way we were able to almost double the pricing. Also guarantee, People are afraid of loosing things rather than getting things.

Improved their offer and increased their pricing

We framed the offer from the following sentence: ”I can help (specific persona) achieve (specific result) within (specific time frame), (specific effort), or (specific guarantee)."

By just framing the service and offer in a different way we were able to almost double the pricing. Also guarantee, People are afraid of loosing things rather than getting things.

Improved their offer and increased their pricing

We framed the offer from the following sentence: ”I can help (specific persona) achieve (specific result) within (specific time frame), (specific effort), or (specific guarantee)."

By just framing the service and offer in a different way we were able to almost double the pricing. Also guarantee, People are afraid of loosing things rather than getting things.

Sales asset/content creation

  1. Case study pdf

  2. Free audit - do you want to take this or should Ross?

  3. Pain point/common mistake video

  4. Loom going through the best structure for a trust giving and high converting healthcare website

  5. VSL (Video Sales Letter) 

Acquisition channels

Cold outreach: Cold Email, Social Media DMs. DMs got good results but were more time consuming and expensive compared to cold emails compared to the results.

Warm outreach: Warm calling, Nurturing systems

Called all of the leads after a positive reply.

Client referral program: Not giving discounts since if they deliver good results they would do it for free. Could do free value campaigns instead. Local businesses know each other so we did a paid program for this.

Changed closing structure

Moved to a 1 call close instead (already had the warm call) with a possibility of 2 call close. Always made sure to schedule a second call for the decision and not through email.

Pre call, after call videos and assets to warm up

Feedback and campaign optimization

Tried different niches, different offers, different campaign, different sales assets, different outreach methods, different personas within the home remodeling.